Sunday, February 2, 2014

If loving you's a sin, you are my vice.

Last summer, I took my mom to see the New Kids on the Block (along with 98 Degrees and Boyz II Men.) When I was little, maybe 3 or 4, she recorded a New Kids on the Block concert from the Disney channel. I would watch it all the time. I even knew all the choreography to "The Right Stuff." Just a side note, she also recorded the Care Bears movie for me on the same tape. Best mom ever!

But I digress. It was a great concert and a really fun night. Unfortunately, my friend, Kim, had Todd Carey do a house concert the same night. I justified missing it since I would be seeing him the next day. What I didn't realize at the time was that she was having another friend sing a few songs as well. That other artist has quickly become on of my very favorite singers. Thankfully, my amazing friend, Amanda, was there. Since we have similar (awesome) tastes in music, she shared the videos with me from the house show. I was immediately enamored with this guy's voice, and I had to hear more. This guy is Dave Farah.

This brings us back to the present. Over the last couple of months, Amanda and I have done some promoting of Dave's music and his weekly YouTube videos (check them out if you haven't already!!!) Then, on Friday night, I finally had the opportunity to see Dave perform live. He exceeded all of my expectations. He played one song off of his EP, a few songs from his weekly YouTube videos, and then a couple that I have never heard before. If I had to pick a favorite song from his set list, it would have to be "Move with Me." It's probably because I love to dance. Honestly, the only thing that would have made it any better is if he was on longer. That, and if my phone and camera had cooperated and taken video like I wanted them to.

It was also great to see my friend, Julie. We met at the Sam Grow Band/Curtis Peoples/Todd Carey concert/Halloween party a few months ago. So, that was a fun reunion. It's amazing how many friends that I have met at concerts. I'm really glad that I don't have a problem striking up conversations with strangers. Apparently, that is one lesson that I did not learn as a child. Although I did learn to not get into creepy white vans, so I guess that's a small win.

Natalie York played after Dave. It was the second of two CD release shows (the first was in NYC.) I had never heard of her or any of her music, so it was cool starting with a clean slate. Sometimes when you have heard someone's music, but haven't seen them live, they don't always live up to your expectations. Sometimes they are even better live. I would put Dave in the latter category. She had a really cool voice. It kind of reminded me of Natalie Merchant. She had a full band, which I think was a little too full. She had five other people onstage with her, and I think there were times that they overpowered her. All in all, she put on a great show. I ended up buying her new CD, "Promises." I suggest that you check it out as well!

After the show was over, I had a great time hanging out with Amanda. We got a chance to talk with Dave for a bit. During that time, I think I realized the source of his awesomeness. He has one dimple. I could be partial since I, too, only have one dimple. Things got a little awkward the next day when I was telling Amanda what I realized and she thought I said "nipple" instead of "dimple." Anyway, even though I haven't known him very long, I can tell you without a doubt that he is the real deal. He is super nice, extremely personable, and amazingly talented. If you look up "total package" in the dictionary, there's a picture of Dave. Seriously, go see him live if you have the chance!

One dimple :)

The next day, we had plans to go ice skating. Unfortunately, it didn't get to happen. Instead of ice skating for the first time, Amanda threw up in a parking garage for the first time. It wasn't quite the experience that she was hoping to have. We ended up going back to her sister's apartment instead. I watched HGTV with her
sister while she slept. Although it wasn't what we had planned, it was a pretty chill day, other than the whole throwing up in a parking garage thing.

On my way home, my GPS decided that I hadn't spent enough time in DC and made me drive right through it. I didn't realize what she was doing until I saw the Washington Monument. By then, it was a little late to do anything about it. Overall, I got to meet some new people, spend time with some old friends, and I got to do some sight-seeing from my car. Most of it was not what I had planned, but sometimes I think the most worthwhile moments in life are the ones that you aren't expecting.

Kids, don't try this at home. Taking pictures while driving is not safe!

Next month I will be heading to NYC with Amanda for Todd Carey's birthday bash/concert at the Sanctuary Guest Suites. I have a lot of friends that will be there for that, so it should be a good time. Then, in March I will be attending "Off the Record," a sold-out music festival in the Outer Banks. From what I hear, it is going to be legendary. In the mean time, things are pretty crazy at work. I have also started back to school, so I don't have a ton a free time. I really wish I were better about updating this thing.

Until next time...