Friday, November 22, 2013

Round and round, what comes around goes around.

Let me preface this by saying that if I had written this blog 24 hours ago, it would have a very different tone. Between school and work, I've been pretty swamped. This isn't the hardest semester that I've encountered during my scholastic career, but it definitely has been a challenging one. One of my classes has been particularly difficult, not because of the subject matter, but because of the professor. In fact, I had a class almost identical to this particular one at WVU and got an 'A.' If it were not for extra credit in this class, I would be lucky to have a 'C.'

My issue with this professor is that he or she grades based on personal preference. For example, this type of conversation has taken place more than once in the classroom:

Professor: Someone give me an example of a type of car.

Student: A Toyota Matrix.

Professor: No, that isn't what I'm thinking of.

I am not now, nor have I ever been a mind reader. I don't know what you want me to say on presentations or in papers. If what I'm saying is grammatically correct and factual and answers the questions that were asked, I don't understand how you can give me a bad grade for it. (I swear this whole thing isn't going to be a rant...)

This brings me to yesterday. I got the grade for a group presentation that I took part in earlier this week. Don't even get me started on how I feel about group projects. Anyway, we had to change our entire project last Thursday (because the professor didn't like it,) and redid the entire thing over the weekend in order to present on Tuesday. I am my own harshest critic, and I thought we actually did a good job. So to say that I was disappointed in receiving a very low 'B' on the project is putting things mildly. I couldn't sleep last night. I was angry. I felt like I had been treated unfairly.

Then tonight, something just sort of clicked in my brain. I don't know how many times I said, "it's not fair!" growing up, to which I almost always heard the response of, "life isn't fair." As much as I hated hearing it, and as much as I hate to admit it, it's the truth. Life isn't always fair. You don't always get the grade/bonus/recognition that you want and/or deserve. It sucks, but then you move on. In 5 years, I know I will have forgotten all about this class and how angry it made me. But it's these kind of moments that can help you become a better person. I am a firm believer that if you work hard, you will get ahead in life eventually. There are some people that you will never please, no matter how hard you try. But, things will work out in the end. I will not spend another sleepless night worrying about something that has already happened and that I have no control over. I will try harder next time and do better. Upward and Onward! And let's be honest, a 'B' really isn't that bad.

In closing, in another class this week, we were talking about injustice in the workplace, and what it does on a psychological level when you see someone getting paid more than you to do the same job as you. I know that I have encountered this in the past, and it became another one of those teachable moments that I hated as it was happening. Anyway, here is a video showing that it isn't only humans that react negatively to this type of injustice...

That's all I have for tonight. Sorry that this post wasn't about music or anything else entertaining. I just needed to do some self-analyzing. But, you did get to see a video of a monkey throwing a cucumber in a fit of rage. :)

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